
Cypress Testing

Cypress provides easy and fast testing on Chrome, Firefox and Microsoft Edge.
TestingBot has a CLI tool that will run your Cypress tests on the TestingBot browser grid.

Perform Cypress automation in the cloud, with TestingBot's browser grid. This will allow you to run Cypress tests in parallel on a wide collection of browsers; test on different versions and operating systems.

By default the CLI is using Cypress v13.3.3 (change). Testing is available on these platforms:

key value possible values
platform The Operating System (OS) you want to run the tests on.
  • WIN11
  • WIN10
browserName The browser you want to run the tests on. chrome, firefox and microsoftedge
version The version of the browser Chrome: version 70 to latest
Firefox: version 70 to latest
Edge: version 80 to latest (WIN10 only)
screenResolution Specify a screen resolution for your test. See a list of screen resolutions

Install the CLI

To get started with the CLI, please install it with npm or yarn:

$ npm install testingbot-cypress-cli

You can find the repository for the CLI on github@testingbot-cypress-cli


Once installed, you'll need to provide the CLI with a testingbot.json configuration file.
This file contains various settings, including the path to your Cypress tests.

To generate a configuration file, you can use the init command:

$ testingbot-cypress init

Please add the key and secret you obtained from the TestingBot member dashboard in the testingbot.json file.

Next, please supply cypress_proj_dir with the path to the folder that contains the cypress.json or cypress.config.js file.
As an example, you can use the Cypress Kitchen Sink Example.

Before you can run your tests, you need to specify on which browser (version) and platform you'd like to test.

You can specify the browsers you want to use in the testingbot.json file:

    "auth": {
        "key": "TESTINGBOT_KEY",
        "secret": "TESTINGBOT_SECRET"
    "browsers": [
	        "browserName": "chrome",
	        "platform": "VENTURA",
	        "version": "latest"
	        "browserName": "chrome",
	        "platform": "WIN10",
	        "version": "latest"
    "run_settings": {
        "cypress_project_dir": ".../cypress/cypress-example-kitchensink",
        "build_name": "cypress-build",
        "npm_dependencies": {},
        "package_config_options": {},
        "start_tunnel": true,
        "local_ports": [8080],
        "realTimeLogs": true,
        "parallel": 5
    "tunnel_settings": {
        "verbose": false

Run tests

You are now ready to run your Cypress tests on TestingBot. Instead of using the Cypress test runner, you can use TestingBot's test runner.

Run the following command:

$ testingbot-cypress run

This will zip your Cypress tests, upload them to TestingBot and instruct TestingBot to start running the tests on the platform(s) you specified in the configuration file. The CLI will then display a link to view a live feed of your Cypress tests and will return realtime logs of the Cypress client running on TestingBot.

Once the tests have finished running, the CLI will exit with code 1 (failure) or code 0 (success).


As an example, you can use cypress-example-kitchensink

These are the steps you need to follow to run the example on TestingBot:

  • Clone the kitchensink repo and install the dependencies: npm install
  • Start the kitchensink example: npm start
  • Add the local port used by kitchensink (8080) to the local_ports array, this way the TestingBot VMs can access the port.
  • Change the cypress_project_dir to point to the path where you installed the example.
  • Run the tests:
    $ testingbot-cypress run
  • Test results will appear in your console and on the TestingBot dashboard.


Several options are available in the testingbot.json file.

  • cypress_project_dir: this needs to be specified and is the directory (absolute path) where your cypress configuration file is located. cypress.json or cypress.config.js.
  • build_name: this will set the build name on TestingBot. All Cypress tests will be grouped under this name.
  • npm_dependencies: you can list the NPM dependencies that your Cypress project requires here:
    "npm_dependencies": {
      "npm-package-1": "^1.0.1",
      "npm-package-2": "^1.2.3-beta",
  • package_config_options: the config options for each of the npm dependencies you specified:
    "package_config_options": {
      "npm-package-1": {
        "option1": true,
        "option2": "some-value"
  • start_tunnel: should the CLI start a TestingBot Tunnel to access websites on your local computer/network?
  • local_ports: an array of ports that Cypress is using on your local computer. Use this in combination with start_tunnel = true to run tests from your local computer or network.
  • realTimeLogs: should the CLI display a real-time feed of the Cypress logs?
  • tunnel_settings: add additional Tunnel options to the TestingBot tunnel process.

Environment Variables

The CLI supports various Environment Variables:

  • You can use TESTINGBOT_KEY and TESTINGBOT_SECRET to pass the TestingBot credentials to the CLI.
  • If you set TESTINGBOT_CI=1 then the CLI will output the TestingBotSessionID which can be used in combination with one of our CI plugins.